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Areas of Practice and Services

What We Provide


Wheelchair and Scooter Assessments

Keeping you mobile

If you need a wheelchair or mobility for the first time or need to replace and existing equipment, our team of OTs can help you with this process.  The service will include:

  • Comprehensive assessment

  • Understanding your goal and how a wheelchair or scooter will help you achieve them

  • Trial of equipment

  • Discussion with you, your family/ carers/ treating team and equipment suppliers

  • Application for funding for equipment (NDIS, TAC, Worksafe, SWEP)

  • Review of equipment when it is supplied to ensure it is meeting your needs

  • Follow up training and familiarisation to ensure you are able to get the most our of your new mobility equipment.

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Functional ADL Assessments

Helping to work out the right supports

Functional Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessments can identify and provide recommendations on maximising a client's safety and independence with the perfomance of daily tasks.  The assessment may include, but not limited to, a review of the client's ability to:
- meal planning and preparation
- cleaning and laundering
- moving around the home
- managing medications, household administration (e.g. bill paying)
- personal care
- community ADLs
Following the assessment, recommendations are detailed in a report, including recommendations relating to equipment and home modifications, and details where to source these including assistance to access funding, if applicable


SDA and SIL Assessments

Helping you access the right accommodation & supports

We provide assessments for participants that want to access Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding in the NDIS. The assessment process addresses all criteria required to be presented in a participant’s Housing Plan to test their eligibility for SDA.

The NDIS relies on the advice and clinical opinion of allied health practitioners to determine whether NDIS participants receive funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), and the type and level of this funding.


Access OT Services can provide comprehensive functional capacity assessments that look into the participants goals so that we can focus on the support needed to achieve those goals. We work with Support Coordinators to ensure your Housing Plan is completed correctly and addresses all criteria for the NDIS, and addressing the SDA Rules 2020.


Often SDA and SIL (Supported Independent Living) supports go hand in hand, other times not.  Our OTs will work with you to determine the most appropriate supports and living options that help you to achieve your goals, and lead the life you want to live.


Home Modification  Assessments

Helping keep you safe at home

Home assessments can identify and provide recommendations on maximising a clients' safety and independence within the home environment. A Home Assessment may be indicated if there are concerns regarding access to the home or safety within the home. Examples may include: difficulty ascending/descending stairs or difficulty in accessing the bathroom.

Following the assessment, Access OT Services will discuss with you recommendations to increase safety within the home, this may include minor home modifications, installation of rails and/or referral to services.

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Ergonomic Assessments

Helping keep you safe at work

Access OT Services are able to come to your workplace and conduct workstation assessments to ensure that workstations are set up in an ergonimically correct way to reduce the risk of injury, operator fatigue and discomfort.  Of particular focus is the set up of:
- workstations
- chairs, including education regarding correct ways to adjust chair
- computer and computer set up
- set up of commonly used items on desk, including phone


Driving Assessment and Vehicle Modifications

Keeping you in the community

Suzi has additional qualifications to allow her to help people maintain their ability to drive safely, obtain a driver license or cease driving if a person is deemed unsafe.


OT Driving Assessment will consist of an interview, which enables the OT to get an understanding of your medical history, vision screening, balance and muscle strength assessment, thinking and reasoning as well as testing of your road law knowledge and road craft.  This is referred to as an Off-road Assessment.

Following the initial clinical assessment, a subsequent appointment will be made to observe your capacity to safely, legally and independently operate a vehicle in everyday driving conditions –  the On Road Assessment.  This assessment is conducted in conjunction with a Driving School in a dual control vehicle.


Assistive Technology Assessments

Helping to gain independence

Assistive Technology can assist in overcoming many barriers to independence.  Using a client centred approach to understand your needs and goals, in addition to our broad knowledge of equipment and equipment providers, helps to narrow down the most appropriate equipment to meet your needs.


This may include assessments for hoists and slings; adaptive cutlery and kitchen equipment; and equipment to assist with toileting and showering. 

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